
Apr 9, 2015


it all starts in the little things. the things that no one sees or cares about. but you do. you remember them. and you keep them in the little sealed drawer at the back of your heart, and you leave it, thinking it won't matter. but then it gets bigger, and the little drawer starts to grow. little things suddenly become big, and you wonder why nobody but you notices, why nobody listens or wants to listen to you.

and then your anger builds. slowly at first, but then faster and faster and faster. it spins out of control, and you feel mistreated in every circumstance. you ponder and mull on it at night. your hands rip pieces of paper into shreds. you glare and punch the bedpost, until you just wind up crying on the floor. and everything seems to lose its meaning. even the bluest sky seems sad. colours don't hold as much meaning as before. love is meaningless. pain is fresh and sharp.

the scary thing is, you don't know you're hurtling towards bitterness, like a ship being hurtled by the waves into the jagged rocks. it spins out of control, leaving you breathless, with a stubborn, bitter heart.

and no one can heal it but Jesus.
just a reminder for myself to let go, and let God.

found this in my old posts; reposting it because i'm needing this reminder.

and also because i'm suffering from an acute writer's block right now.
it's like the worst thing ever to want to write something but being unable to write anything. 
ugh, anyone have any tips for overcoming writer's block?
maybe more chocolate? (ha)

Mar 17, 2015

five reasons i am happy today

happiness is something we all want, but we don't get enough of.
here's a collection of five things that make me happy today. and that usually make me happy most days. because i want to make you smile, and be happy today, when you think about these things.

{one} i'm alive.
reminder: never ever take this for granted. waking up every morning is a gift, cliche as it might be.
+ don't just be another living creature; we have too many people "just existing" in this world.  LIVE your life, in the truest sense of the word.
+ treasure the moments that make you live, and make them happen.

{two} i have people i love.
+ Loving people is something wondrous. I honestly don't think life would be as fun, as exciting, as painful, as crazy without love.
+ Love is a splash of colour into life.
+ Funny how you begin thinking you only have space for two people. But as you go along in life, you  begin to discover you have more and more space for more and more people.

{three} kittens in teacups.
(no explanation needed)

{four} i have internet access to google for kittens in teacups.
+ okay. this makes me (just a little very) happy.

{five} i am a child of God.
+ this makes happy everyday, even though some days i have to purposefully remind myself that this is a reason to be happy. nothing else matters if i wasn't His child. this, this is the reason why my life is fulfilling and meaningful.

i hope this makes you remember why you smiled last week, or yesterday, or even a few seconds ago.
it's easy to forget the reasons for smiles, but i think those are the most important.

Feb 26, 2015

real or not real.

“You,” he said, “are a terribly real thing in a terribly false world,
and that, I believe is why you are in so much pain.”

-emilie autumn-
the asylum for wayward victorian girls

via tumblr

Please, don't stop. Don't stop being authentic and real and contagious with life to be lived. I might not know the quiet details of your life, but I know this: you are unashamed of joy and proud to smile. In that few spaces of time I saw you, your smile spoke more truth than any conversation I could have had with you. It wasn't just a smile; it was one of few genuine ones I have seen. And that blessed my soul today. You are something real, in a terribly false world. Pain is gonna come, but don't stop.

Don't you dare be afraid to stop
loving, giving, living.

Because darling, after all, what's life without these?


my (imaginary) first meeting with you,
my lovely readers

i hope this made your eyes smile today
because that, my friend, is one of the beautiful(est) smiles