
Jan 14, 2014

updates | coolness, craziness (i.)

hakuna matata

what a extremely wonderful word (did you know that, aside from coming from the lion king, it's a swahili word? i know, that just adds to the overall coolness of this word!!). i think it's one of my favorites now. hakuna matata--no worries! it's all good! so put on a smile!

-anyways, ahem, away from my rambles and on to some fun stuff-

-edit: actually, that probably means: away from my rambles and on to some more rambles-
-edit: probably a good facepalm moment here-

+ a cold cold cold very very cold cup of starbucks ice chocolate latte with whipped cream and gluten-free raspberry coconut-almond bars.
+ books that have the aura of adventure and the smell of familiarity.
+ snorkelling in phuket. and everything else beach-y (it's a tad too earlier for summer, isn't it? sigh).
+ the ability to wake up on cool, early mornings with beautiful breezes.
+ fizzy pineapple juice.

+ flappy bird. (can-i-just-say-it-was-about-the-worst-game-i-have-ever-played-because-i-kept-failing)
+ math.*
+ photoshoots that don't turn out right.
+ meetups with the awesomest-est people in the world who share the dream to spread illogical craziness to the world.
+ research papers.
+ spending valentine's day expressing (the sadly depleting) love to my unfeeling textbooks. they didn't even answer my call (sob).
+ wasting time on tumblr that could have been spent doing other things. productive things like eating ice cream for example.
+ the productivity of eating ice cream.**
+ peeling off nail polish unconsciously.
+ passionately singing frozen at the top of my lungs over the shrieking sounds of the vacuum cleaner.
+ smiling at random people in the other car.
+ isn't it strange how "vacuum" has two "u"s? one would expect two "c"s. oh well.
+ studying chem an hour before the due date. (seriously, not a good idea)

+ awards and sweet words from bloggers you've never seen in real life but you feel you know because they are so much like you. {that's you guys, by the way (hugs)}
+ widddde smiles that almost leave you with sore jaws.
+ a surprise for you guys that is more for me but anyways it is cool so mhm. so so stoked.
+ kobos, and free ebooks. i send my love to all those who provide free ebooks to those too lazy ahem busy to go to the library.
+ realizing the potential a single coffee cup has.
+ your lovely comments that i reread over and over again. trust me, it just makes my heart and my days so happy ♥
+ reading random lovely blogs.

my life in the past few weeks
what about you? anything crazy exciting or cool you've been up to?


*to quote my math teacher: "it looks like crazy town! let's do it."
**of course ice cream is productive. it excites me, allowing me to be more efficient at tasks. don't argue with me when i talk about ice cream, please ;)

Dec 24, 2013

on the eve of christmas

via tumblr



even the word has such a beautiful sound to it. it whispers hope, love, and peace. it excites dreams of lights, fragrance, and joy. i think christmas is really my favorite word.

it's also my favorite season and holiday. there are many reasons why. maybe it's because of the presents and gifts. or maybe it's the atmosphere of joy and laughter. perhaps the old-time favorite carols and newer upbeat songs make me bubble inside with happiness. ah, maybe it's the smell of all sorts of delicious things baking and cooking. but mainly it is the contentment and fulfillment of joy that He came down for me, something that i {usually} tend to take for granted in the busy, unimportant details of everyday life.

this year's christmas isn't exactly the best i've had. stress + not enough rest + too much nonsense snacking = a suspected inflation of dermatitis herpetiformis on some of my fingers. in addition, life has been busy and crazy. no christmas tree, or christmas decorations this year for us. no time to put them up, no time to contemplate the true reason why this season exist, no time, no time, no time. i've been using the "i'm busy" line too much, i think it's becoming an excuse. and excuse for something that never existed. i do have the time. i'm just not actively seeking it out.

christmas is becoming a holiday for me. not a time of rest and reflection, but just another holiday that is madly packed with presents to buy, things to do, stuff to see, cards to make, songs to practice, and no time at all to ponder why i even celebrate it. 

it's christmas eve. the shopping is done, presents are bought, choir practice is over, and i'm sitting resting and thinking {and blogging because it helps me sort my mind out}. the Greatest Light of all has come down to save men from the biggest enemy of all--their own sins. born of a virgin, was a hundred percent God and hundred percent man, fulfilled prophecies hundred of years before His birth--humanly impossible and logically unreasonable. but for the Creator of all, what is impossible? and i wholeheartedly believe that that's the story of christmas. the love of God manifest. the blind made to see, and the impossible made possible.

dear you | have a beautiful christmas 

Dec 17, 2013

the most beautiful person

via tumblr

"you know when you sometimes meet someone so beautiful, and when you actually talk to them and five minutes later they are as dull as a brick? then there's other people, when you meet them you think, "not bad. they're okay." and then you get to know them and their face just sort of becomes them. like their personality's written all over it.
and they just turn into something so beautiful."

amy pond | quote via dr. who

you know how this happens sometimes?
you notice those flashy, gorgeous people and think they're amazing.
but after hanging around them for a while, you realize how shallow they are.
maybe they have something deeper that you have to dig a little harder to get,
but they just don't seem very impressive after a few conversations.

but there are these other people.
the ones that become more beautiful after each conversation.
the ones that you never looked at twice about when you glanced across the room.
the ones that you never spoke to enough.
you said "hi" to them once or twice, and never thought about it again.

but then you see them more, and you start talking to them more out of necessity than want.
then you start to see things you've never noticed about them before.
(and to me, this is the best part of friendships)

for the first time, you notice their eye color.
you realize how deep their eyes are.
you suddenly see how beautiful they are when they smile.
the way they hug their siblings,
or help their friends.

their face becomes them.

then you start to realize how much you have in common.
you start enjoying conversations with them,
and when they leave, it seems
like a part of you left with them.
you're more than simply "friends" now,
you've become kindred spirits.
and it'll take something stronger than legions of mighty armies to break that bond.

faces are just faces,
until they become a person.