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Aug 13, 2013


so, nat is off to serve his national service.
(hence the amount of random photos / polaroids we took on two sundays ago to celebrate his entrance to um, manhood)

i'm gonna let the pictures do the talking for now because i'm too lazy to explain anything.

only: go nat--make us proud.


Aug 9, 2013

dear (i.)

photo from here :: typography by me

dear q.q,
go make us proud. you have been such an awesome brother ever since forever.
can't wait to see you without hair on your head (haha).

dear chubby bunny,
for future reference, next time you bring that awesome green jacket, i might just steal it. from under your nose.
[and just hang in there for another year to be an old friend hah. 6 years > 1/2 decade = long time]

dear potential serial stalker,
too bad you'll miss the fun. have a smashing time whamming eggs into your forehead.

dear elmo-with-a-goldfish,
wakey wakey! pull the hood lowerrr.

dear milk,
yes, that's still your official name.


<footnote> there was no such word as upsoemlaosute. but now there is!
i'm defining it as extremely silly, comical, happy, and holding a lime green balloon.
<ftnt 2> i like writing notes.
<ftnt 3> i don't even know what half of those big words mean. 
<ftnt 4> inspired by elise's pieces

Jul 29, 2013

flit, fly // summer 05

she was in a field. filled with dandelions and dying grass.
beautiful, life and death merging.

fly higher.
the words resounded in her mind as she struggled to differentiate reality and fantasy.
she could feel the familiar, gentle push of the wind.

stop it.
she wanted to stay and rest in this little sanctuary, rest her weary self.

instead, the wind drove her forward relentlessly.
surrendering was probably a better idea.


until it seemed like she never existed.

flit, fly
gone by


<footnote> just some snippets of random scribbles

Jul 23, 2013

growing up // summer 04

very long ago, when we were still young, when we thought the world revolved around us, when we had no cares in this world, i thought that our time together was forever. that nothing would ever pull us away from being the bestest of friends.

then we all had to grow up.

slowly, but surely, we stopped seeing each other every other day. stopped our amazing holidays to other countries together. stopped these, and starting meeting new people, seeing new things, experiencing fresh enjoyments. and, i suppose, that is growing up.

bittersweet memories of how we used to fight, give silent treatment, and then make up again.
of how we used to play like a bunch of hooligans.
of how we used to tell everyone we were siblings.
of how we would exchange secrets, and dream together of the future.

and now, we've gone our separate ways. friends still, just apart for a while. growing up? maybe, but i've yet to get used to it.

sometimes these memories, carefully stowed safely at the back of my mind, slip out and make me long for times long past. and when i breathe in the fresh and cool night air, the memories of long ago, pleasant and soothing, haunt me, evoking a sense of loneliness for that time. and sometimes, i wish we could just escape back in time, and be who we were.

the world kinda gets complicated once you're older, doesn't it? more cares, more responsibilities, more duties to fulfill.

and i just want to freeze that moment, back in time, and remember everything. i've learnt to treasure those memories, every single one.

“Growing apart doesn't change the fact that for a long time we grew side by side; our roots will always be tangled. I'm glad for that.” 
- Ally Condie, Matched -

Jul 21, 2013

unwind // summer 03

i did quite a bit of unwinding this summer. too much, maybe, but i'm afraid there won't be any time for that this coming school year.

1. cola wars.
what can i say? it is too awesome to describe. i brought back so much memories with me, and this was probably the best thing i've ever decided to sign up for. the bju sea <south east asia> team was amazing.

just look at us.

pepsi forevahhh
*photos courtesy of the auntie regina. many thanks*

2. phuket
bummer, it rained almost everyday. but i got to swim, and see that delicious sea, and taste that salty air again. (not to mention: gorge in tidbits + eat like super cheap good quality ice cream + late nights = sore throat)

i like this summer life, but once in a while something in me longs to begin school again. it's crazy, but it happens. not doing much makes me tired and frustrated, not to mention feel useless. i guess i have to step away from the busyness and breathe. inhale a deep breath of that salty sea, and sit back in the shade for a bit. then, i'll find myself longing for work, and when school comes around, i'll treasure it even more.

i'm a pretty weird person. who ever heard of treasuring school and longing for work huh.


sink into the deep,

blue, and, cool, and kind.
then drift off to sleep,
let the past unwind.

-song from love never dies, sequel to phantom of the opera-

Jun 24, 2013

fading // summer 02

june is like almost over.
it's depressing because all i did was slack around the house doing nothing but music and reading.
so now, guilt, and the chance to redeem myself in these last days of summer.

july ushers in:

á´¥ chinese o level remaining papers
á´¥ grade 8 piano exam
á´¥ upcoming school year
á´¥ SAT
á´¥ exams, exams, exams
á´¥ other frightful stuff like that

the only thing awesome upcoming, besides Phuket, is the Cola Wars.

which is going to be totally amazing.

<fade, fade, fading away>

Jun 21, 2013

profs and like, cake

so like, we went to the yong siew toh conservatory of music for three days of piano masterclasses which were so awesome and amazing, and totally had me at the edge of my seat.

(except the one time in the afternoon when i was dozing off due to excessive indulging at luncheon.)

when i listened to a piece, it seems just ordinary until the profs start teaching it. then, it really starts to come alive. they weave brilliant stories through the harmonies and chord progressions, which totally astounded me.

with Professor Thomas Hetch

with Professor Albert Tiu

oh, and the very amazing piano teacher who brought us there also did something.

she bought us über-rich chocolate cake from starbucks.

chocolate cake.



right before the final night recital in this really posh place.

we were like stuffed to the brim with Subway sandwiches. so, we took little lady-like bites and--thank God Noel was there!
he consumed those two superbly rich chocolate cake just like a real man.

i was afraid that we'll go on a sugar high in the posh recital hall.

really hope to go for more of these
(the yst events, i mean. though i frankly loved the addition of the cake).

- - - -

so, on a totally different note.
there's the haze, and i have been moping around in the house.

so far, i've consumed 6 fiction books since last afternoon. i've been deprived of them the past school year. speaking of which, i have been spending the past three weeks of school hols immersed in books and sleep.


<haze haze haze and more haze>

Jun 16, 2013

today: life

i was reminded how short life is.

on friday evening, we sent a very dear family friend on his last physical journey at mandai cremation centre. he left us to be with the Lord after a year-long struggle against cancer. he and his family have been such a testimony to all of us. trusting, hoping, and putting their faith in the one true God. never ceasing to exhibit that joy and grace that only comes through believing and clinging to God in trials.

i was reminded to treasure those around me.

to stop hating, to start treasuring the things and people in life.
hate is so bitter. it hurts the hater and the hated. learning to stop hate, bitterness, and petty dislikes.

i was reminded to look with expectancy for life eternal.

this world is not my home,
i'm just a-passing through
my treasures are laid up,
somewhere beyond the blue


Jun 5, 2013

dear summer // summer 01


dear summer,

please bring some happy surprises, rainbows, sunshine, and lots of blue skies.


p-s: and some chocolate-chip ice-cream too, please, if it isn't too troublesome.

<because school's out, summer's here, 
and that deserves a post>

May 17, 2013

happy (belated) momma day

dear mom,

happy (belated) mommy's day
on this special day, i just wanna say a big, appreciative THANK YOU.

i know you have to put up with so much of my nonsense.

you have to deal with the little spitfire in me.
you have to bear with me being fussy.
you have to put up with my emotional swings.
you have to tolerate all my unreasonable stuff.

and you amaze me at how much you still love me.
thanks for loving me.

i love you mommy <3

may the Lord who has blessed me with such an awesome mother,
continue to lead and protect you,
and bless you with all good things.

i love you so much.

(your lil' spitfire)

"Her children arise up, and call her blessed"
-proverbs 31:28-

Dec 7, 2012

'Tis the Season! (and updates)

Woah. Time flies so fast and it's December already.
And I'm honesty, frankly, seriously excited about it.

Stuff I have been up to:

1. BL Conferences! I gotta post about that when I get the pictures from the photographer (: We had such an awesome time with the girls that came over from the States. They were such a BIG blessing to us! Check out their blog here.

2. Belting out random Christmas songs to get me into the Christmas mood.

3. Studying like crazy at home and wishing I was at church helping out at VBS.

4. Praying that God will help me minister to unsaved people this Christmas 

5. Finding time to update this blog--and I did! (:

6. Indulging in *occasional* snacks.

7. Practicing choir songs and loving how the front colors are so pretty <3

8. Decorating the house--making it Christmassy.

9. Looking at Prissy's (and her team's) decorated cakes and foods and loving them (;

10. Anticipating Christmas gatherings with friends and family 

And did you notice I've gotten a new blog look for this Christmassy season? And the snow? Plus that Christmas countdown at the bottom of the blog? :D
Hope you like it because I took like forreveerrr to get it right :P

have a great week. and an awesome, Christ-centered upcoming holiday <3


Nov 20, 2012

(De-)Baty Workshop

It has been a longgg time since I last posted. And yes, I'm partially ashamed of myself.
So I suppose I should do the normal thing most bloggers do and apologize for being busy over work (which is true, albeit an excuse too commonly used), etc.etc.etc. The truth was:

1. Creativity level had dropped sufficiently
2. Laziness to create a post had increased substantially

You might be interested to hear that these^ have gone in opposite directions since I realized beginning of November that this place has been rather silent-ish.

And to support my claim, we have three drafts of posts sitting there staring at me. I have been trying to keep this blog updated and such--I haven't  abandoned it ^-^

Anyways, the most interesting thing I've been up to is the Raffles Debate Academy (RDA) John Baty Debate Workshop held in Raffles Institution. 

[Another name that Mr. Baty says people call him is De-baty. Catch the pun? Or was it even one? :P]

Wheww it has been an experience, getting to know other debaters from school and all.

Yes, it's challenging and yes, it's really nerve-wrecking to hear your name called and you're like, "Um. What?" But homeschoolers have done awesome so far :)

And then there's this debate on Friday. Well, to be specific, 3 debates. 2 prepared (topic only given on maybe Thursday? >_>) and 1 impromptu (>_> x10). I'm like stressing out that I'm gonna embarrass myself, mumble and panic. Which is most likely normal for debaters, even experienced ones, so gotta overcome that :)

Praying soooo hard that these debates go well<3


Oct 3, 2012

Of Cupcakes and Icings

I just realized that it's already October. And that I haven't posted anything since um 12th Sep. So, this is the most random and photo-filled post I think I have ever done (or ever will do) that I ramble about what I did sometime ago. Be prepared. (:

We cooked/baked the other day (more like 2 weeks ago) during culinary course. For the savory dish, we killed crabs and then steamed them. It was an epic experience, although I don't really love seafood (:

But we baked! My first time baking in a really longgg time. Dark chocolate cupcakes + vanilla buttercream frosting = just awesome.

What I iced.

I had fun icing it. And although it looked cool enough, there are some other kids' cupcakes that were wayy more creative and pretty than mine (;

I think this is Sean's x)
Love this color combi :) All happy colors.

And...this is probably Noel's :)
So cleverly designed so that the eater can have the maximum amount of icing x)

And finally, the cutest cupcake I saw was this [by Natasha].
Aw. So sweet, ain't it? (;

I didn't get to take the other kids' cupcakes, but they were all equally amazing too!
And we had lots of fun. This was a fun break from school work to come and whip up a few dishes (:
*special thanks to Rachel for allowing me to use her camera  :)*

Hope your week has had a fabulous break like this!


Sep 12, 2012

School has started.

And wouldn't you believe it.
It just seemed like last week when I completed my final subject test and then danced for joy.

But summer was good(: So many enjoyable memories and epic times I had. Family outings, debate camp, DNA labs at SC, making and guzzling food, crazy meetups with friends, helping out at church...and now another school year begins. It's really overwhelming at times when I think about it.

All said and done about summer, I have I feeling that I'm gonna enjoy this school year. That is, if I work hard and keep up-to-date with all the work (: It's all about good time planning and responsibility {and all the parents say "amen" ^-^}

GOAL: to try my best, work hard and glorify God in all that I'm about to undertake. And to rest in the strength that only He provides (:

I'm praying that this new school year, will bring a new happy, epic, awesome, superb experience.

Aug 7, 2012

Ramblings and Catchups

I've been really busy of late. Not necessarily with school work, considering that it's summer break *yay*, but more with all those extracurricular activities and some summer work, and the list goes on. Can you believe that I haven't even had time to bake those delicious-looking macaroons ): sad.

Which reminds me that I have a sorta longggggg list of things that I have to complete. Oh the most fun-est one that I think I'm gonna enjoy the most has to be the apologetics speech (answersingenesis) on the human body.

First, I love the topic.
Second, it makes my job so much easier to do an apologetics speech on a topic I love.
Thirdly, I love doing powerpoint presentation.
Fourthly, I love presenting stuff when I know what I'm supposed to say. yep, I'm not too good at impromptus. my ICC (Institute for Cultural Communicators: speaking group) team can testify to that (;

So all these + the fact that I have almost a whole month (ample time) to leisurely prepare and memorize = the bestest, funest apologetics speech ever. *silent cheer*

(I think I'm getting pretty good at rambling)

Another exciting thing to look forward to is the DNA sessions we'll be having at the Science Center (: The last session we had was on forensic science and boy, it was super extremely cool. 
We worked on a real case that happened really long ago. Task was to find out who the murderer was by using the blood samples found at the crime scene. In addition, I was having a perfectly hilarious time amusing Prissy with my oversized lab coat, causing her to either have two reactions: glaring and me and telling me that she'll get in trouble for laughing too much, or stifling the squeal.

The upcoming two sessions will be on bacteria, health, protein purification, and whatnots. Sounds realllyyyyy exciting (:

As I'm doing all these science-ish stuff, it's always so interesting to relate it back to the Scripture and the awesome Creator.
For the human body apologetics speech, this verse is such a good reminder:

Jul 17, 2012

God, thank You.

God, thank You for loving me.

Thank  You for giving Your Son.
Thank You for your grace.
Thank  You for being an awesome God.
Thank You for each and every day.
Thank You for providing for all I need.
Thank You for your guidance.
Thank You for your mercy.
Thank You for my family.
Thank You for my life.
Thank You for being my life.
Thank You for rain and shine.
Thank You for being there for me.
Thank You for each breath of life.
Thank You for friends that encourage.
Thank You for nature that manifests Your power.

God, thank You for everything.