
Jun 20, 2015

(a series of unconnected thoughts)



a hate
stronger than fire
drowning in flames
hungry, growing

a sorrow
that burned like hunger
silent, raging
so alive

an emptiness
drying and deadly
extinguishing life
a bitter pang



just a kitten among flowers to make your day brighter xx.


(also, by unknown)

"You are so used to your features, you don’t know how beautiful you look to a stranger."

just three unconnected thoughts weighing on my mind this afternoon. i'm in u.k. now, it's so cold (it's supposedly summer, but i live in a superbly warm country, so this is like winter to me), but the place is gorgeous. God has been so good, and i'm just amazed at how everything in life works out. i promise to write more about it, and pictures coming soon :)

(ALSO, biggg shoutout to rosie at self known, for making this little blog look so good. you're awesome, girl.) 

i love you all! have a beautiful week ♥

Jun 12, 2015

don't forget

"she walked with darkness
dripping off her shoulders
i've seen ghosts
brighter than her soul"
x tumblr x

don't you dare look me in the eye
and tell me
you're not good enough
we both know that
is not true

there's a difference
oh, honey, there is,
between loving others
and loving yourself

you can love and love
other humans
you see the brightness
in their eyes when they
the quiet movements
that speak volumes

but darling,
you have forgotten
how to love yourself

you have forgotten how to
see the brightness in your eyes
when you laugh
you have stopped loving
the soft smile
gracing your lips

oh, you are not perfect
none of us are
but there's Someone who loves
you deeper
than you could ever love yourself
He makes your flaws
your weaknesses
in His strength

don't you dare forget that

i just got back from church camp, and it was such a great and refreshing time spent with lovely people. i'm working on getting my writing/blogging schedule up again, which is a tad challenging because my family and i are leaving overseas for a month tomorrow x_x but it's gonna be exciting!

also, i'm just curious: do you guys like it/check back if i reply your comments? i'm not sure if y'all actually notice haha. you all leave the sweetest and loveliest comments, by the way ♥♥

stay beautiful xxx.

May 5, 2015

just a quiiiick update

(photos taken by me)

the brave do not live forever,
but the cautious do not live at all
// the princess diaries //

i know i haven't been posting in a long while, but i've been (and will be) having end-of-the-year(ish) exams over these few weeks. i've just finished my calculus exam this morning, and boy, am i glad its over.
just a few more papers and summer will be upon us <3

just wanted to let you people know; i'll be back posting again when all the craziness is over! stay awesome, guys.

much love,