
Oct 29, 2015

christmas? christmas.

i know this is almost two months too early, but it feels like Christmas today.

yeah, even though it's like 28ºC and humidity 71% with expected thunderstorms in the afternoon and no snow, it feels like Christmas.

i'm sitting here in my garden with the fresh smell of sunning clothes and a cup of homemade cold chrysanthemum tea and my brain keeps shouting christmas, christmas, christmas for some queer reason and i feel very, very happy. (honestly, i have no idea how stuff up there works.) even though i know I'll regret this in the afternoon when i have tons of exam studying to catch up on, i just wanted to take the time to appreciate today for the beauty that God placed everywhere.

i'm pretty sure it's because the awful hazy weather broke yesterday with early morning thunderstorms that cleared the air. i haven't seen the blue sky in ages, and it's absolutely glorious to behold. Christmas lullaby music is blaring sweetly in my earphones (we're on away in a manger now).

and i'm just so in awe that God knows exactly how to paint with the colours of nature. do you ever get that sometimes? and maybe it feels like Christmas because i'm once again exclaiming how marvellous God is and that's what Christmas is all about.

//update: i found an ant enjoying my tea.//


  1. I love this! I agree, it can feel like christmas all year round!

    Love, Mia

  2. Christmas, yes, Christmas. :) I totally get ya!! Hopefully, we'll have a haze-less Christmas. Hehe!


    1. YES(:
      i've been dreaming of a haze-less Christmas *sings carols and salsas around*
      ha. <3<3

  3. *dies of laughter* I hope that ant doesn't burn its tongue. ;-)

    BUT YES. Christmas. Do you ever have feelings about how something is going to go and it usually happens? I feel like Christmas is going to be super this year. I'm learning how to play the harmonica and basically I'm starting out easy with Christmas songs and kid songs (row row row your boat gently down the stream MERRILY MERRILY MERRILY MERRILY life is but a dream!)

    but seriously, the best artist. he paints the seasons over and over, at the exact time they're supposed to change. mmm. so good. <3 <3

    1. you can play the harmonica?? such a talented girl ;) bahaha you're precious.

      He KNOWS what colours go gorgeous together. and that thrills my soul. xx

  4. I love this so much. And you know what? Christmas two months early is the best. Christmas can be as early as you want--it's still magical because it is the incarnation of Christ, it is the celebration of grace and a crazy awesome God. So this was a really good reminder.

    Also, that ant has good taste.

    1. yes, yes, and yes again.
      God's love and grace stretches throughout the whole year, and this is something we should be rejoicing about always <3<3

      hehe, i think the ant enjoyed it too. ;) xx

  5. ughhhh ahhhhhhhh dude this is SO BEAUTIFUL. Christmas is a state of the soul. Something you feel in your chest. And I know EXACTLY what you are talking about. Wow.

    1. noooooo gahhh you're best. i love how you said Christmas is a "state of the soul." because YES. that's exactly what it is <3<3

      thanks katiee xx

  6. and i'm just so in awe that God knows exactly how to paint with the colours of nature" yyyyeeeESSSS. all the time especially with changing leaves lately at least where i am heh.
    also christmas. i'm dying. and i can. not. wait. CHRISTMAS IS JOY.

    1. cryyysssss *repeats CHRISTMAS IS JOY while dancing all over the room because my heart is so full*

      so much love for you olivia<3<3

  7. I love your perspective. Oddly enough, I've been thinking about Christmas lately, too. Good for you taking time to admire the Creator and His creation. That's what life is all about. :)

    1. hahaha, yes. we need to take some time from life's craziness to be in awe. because life isn't about waiting for the extraordinary, but about making the ordinary EXTRAordinary <3

      thanks, erin darling xxx

  8. Thank you, dear Elisabeth, for capturing the pureness of life in one little post. ♥ You have no idea how much fulfillment I get from your words. Never stop writing. You've got real skill.
    ps. Are you doing NaNoWriMo this year?
    ~ Sanjana

    1. no, thank YOU sanjana for leaving this sweetest comment my heart <3<3 hehe, you are too kind.

      naw :( i was intending to, but i've got a lot of stuff on my plate so maybe the next time hahah :D xx

  9. I have that feeling, too. 2014 passed so quickly, but 2015 is dragging out the last few months so much. I already think it's Christmas, but it's really only November (well, 31st October). It might also be because I've been working on the preparations for the Winter Wonderland Challenge I host on my blog, but I don't see how that could impact me so greatly.

    "and i'm just so in awe that God knows exactly how to paint with the colours of nature" This is so beautifully said. I love the colours in our world, but right now I am in awe with how you crafted that sentence.

    Merry Christmas,


    1. YASMINE <3

      thanks you darling. before we know it it'll be the beginning of 2016, then the Christmas of 2016 again wheeeew. it's kinda scary how fast time moves, but God is never changing and always there, which is very comforting when you've no clue what the future holds.

      *hugs* xxx

  10. i totally completely get you on that. there are these times i just feel so serenely happy and at bliss. it's a wonderful feeling. AND CHRISTMAS <3 it's truly the most wonderful time of the year.

    all year round, actually.

    God is so good. And really, then, if He is a good God and on the throne,, really, life is really amazing then all the time. it's just sometimes that i really feel it. <33 nice post, elisabeth :)

    1. *sings a really off-pitch version of /it's the most wonderful time of the year/*

      i'm so so so ready for the Christmas carols and beauty.
      He is. oh, He is so, very good all the time. and He makes life beautiful despite our situations. we just have to remember that sometimes 'cause we forgot too often, huh? (:

      thanks you sweetie xxx

  11. Just thinking about Christmas always makes me happy. So I think about it often. And in my opinion? It's not too soon to be looking forward to it.
    Gorgeous pics, Elisa. Our God is so amazing and oh, all the beauty He has created...all the wonders.

    -T. x

    1. it's never too early to get into the Christmassy mood and never too much to keep singing the praises of His creation ÜÜ

      thaaaaank you darling tane <3<3

  12. Thinking about Christmas makes me happy :-)

  13. I can't wait till Thanksgiving, and then Christmas! Oh how I wish it would get cold here. :)
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  14. "i'm sitting here in my garden with the fresh smell of sunning clothes and a cup of homemade cold chrysanthemum tea..." < okay so that literally sounds like magic. just saying. ♥ And I also love the title of this post. And that's the whole meaning of Christmas, isn't it? To just be like whoa -- God became a literal person. That is just...unbelievably awesome. These photos are also magic gahh. ♥ ALL DA HEARTS.


    1. wAIT HOW DID I MISS YOU COMMENT ((absolutely, downright ashamed))

      illyyyyy. yes yes and yes. it's exactly as you said, unbelievably awesome. you blow me away xx

  15. Those pictures are so beautiful. Here's a tag for you if you want to: 12 days of Thanksgiving tag

  16. I'm kind of jealous of your weather. And yes, I often marvel at what an incredible artist God is. And praise Him for it. <3

    Stay lovely, dear.

    1. i agree! He is an incredible artist. thanks, darling <3

  17. oh, thank you so much madilyn! xx


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